BIMI Logo: How to Get Your Brand Logo to Appear in the Inbox - Email Marketing Platform | Email Deliverability Tool | SendClean

The email inbox is a competitive environment.

With the average person receiving dozens of emails daily, it is not surprising that only about one in three marketing emails are opened. This means brands are continually striving to increase their open rates.

Usually, the key sections impacting an email’s open rates are-

  • Subject line
  • Pre-header
  • “From” name

However, another often overlooked element that can significantly impact your email’s open rate is the identifying logo.

Enhancing Email Visibility with BIMI

One effective solution is Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI). BIMI is an email standard that allows brands to add their logo to messages sent from their domain. Once set up, recipients will see your brand’s logo next to your message in their inbox.

Did you know- Adding a BIMI logo to your emails can increase open rates by 21% (Valimail, 2021).

What is BIMI and how does it work?

BIMI, short for Brand Indicators for Message Identification, is designed to help trusted email senders control the way their brand is represented in email inboxes.

When you send a marketing email from your brand’s address, the recipient’s email provider (such as Gmail or Yahoo) authenticates your message to ensure it is legitimate and not from a malicious sender imitating your brand. This authentication involves checking your DNS record, which contains information confirming that the email has indeed been sent by your company.

With BIMI, you add a URL pointing to your brand’s logo in your DNS record. The email provider finds this link during the authentication process and displays your logo next to your email.

Benefits of BIMI

BIMI offers three main benefits:

1. Higher Inbox Visibility:

Implementing BIMI helps your emails stand out in a crowded inbox. Research shows that adding a BIMI logo increases email open rates by 21%.

2. Greater Brand Recognition:

Even if a recipient does not open your email, seeing your BIMI logo can increase brand recall by 18%.

3. Increased Trust and Confidence:

BIMI makes your emails look more trustworthy since passing the authentication requirements proves you are a legitimate sender.

Email Providers Supporting BIMI

Approximately 90% of consumer inboxes are compatible with BIMI email logos, including major providers like:

  • - Apple
  • - Cloudmark
  • - Fastmail
  • - Gmail
  • - Yahoo

Did you know-: Implementing a BIMI logo can boost brand recall by 18%, even if recipients do not open the email (Red Sift, 2020).

Sure, here it is with the abbreviations expanded:

Setting Up BIMI in Five Steps

1. Set Up DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) Authentication: Authenticate your sending domain via DKIM and DMARC protocols.

2. Create a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny Portable/Secure (PS) Version of Your Logo: Ensure your logo is in the correct format for display across different email clients.

3. Obtain a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) (optional but recommended): Acquire a VMC to verify your brand’s ownership of the logo.

4. Add Your BIMI Record to Your Domain Name System (DNS): Insert a text record containing your BIMI information into your DNS.

5. Verify Your Setup: Use tools to ensure your BIMI setup is correct and compliant.


Implementing BIMI is an effective way to enhance the visibility, recognition, and trustworthiness of your brand’s emails. At Route Mobile, we are committed to helping you leverage BIMI to improve your email marketing performance. For more information on how to set up BIMI and other email authentication services, feel free to reach out to our team or visit our website at [Route Mobile](

By taking these steps, you can ensure your emails stand out in a crowded inbox, building stronger connections with your audience.



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