Streamline Email Management with SendClean's New Team Features. - Email Marketing Platform | Email Deliverability Tool | SendClean

SendClean's New Team Management Features: Subusers, Teammates, and Subteammates (Rare feature)

Email management is crucial for maintaining effective communication, data security, and streamlined workflows in any business. To meet these needs, SendClean has introduced an innovative Email management feature that contains three new roles: Subusers, Teammates, and Subteammates. Each feature offers unique benefits, making email management more efficient, secure, and scalable. This article explores these three features in detail, highlighting their technical specifications, roles and responsibilities, benefits, and potential setbacks.

Why Team Management is Crucial in Email Marketing

As email continues to be a vital communication tool, leveraging an email management feature can help organizations stay secure, efficient, and compliant. Studies consistently show that organizations with robust access control measures experience fewer security incidents and data breaches, underscoring the importance of such features in today's digital landscape. With the number of email users and the volume of emails continuing to rise, the importance of effective email management cannot be overstated.

Effective team management in email marketing is vital for several reasons:

Consistency in Messaging

Consistency in Messaging:

Ensuring that all team members follow the same guidelines and standards for email content helps maintain a consistent brand voice and messaging across all communications.

Efficient Workflow

Efficient Workflow:

Clear roles and responsibilities within the team prevent overlap and confusion, allowing for a more streamlined and efficient workflow.

Improved Accountability

Improved Accountability:

When team members have defined roles, it is easier to track who is responsible for each task, improving accountability and making it easier to address any issues that arise.

Enhanced Collaboration

Enhanced Collaboration:

With proper team management, collaboration between different departments (e.g., marketing, sales, and customer service) becomes more effective, ensuring that all aspects of the email campaign are well-coordinated.

Data Security

Data Security:

Role-based access control ensures that sensitive data is only accessible to those who need it, reducing the risk of data breaches.

Introducing Team Management feature from SendClean

Introducing Subusers, Teammates, and Subteammates roles
Three new roles within the team management feature. This new feature revolutionizes account management and significantly boosts your team's productivity within SendClean. These new roles are essential for streamlining tasks, ensuring data security, and enhancing collaboration across your team for more effective and organized email marketing campaigns.

Here's a hierarchical flow chart to explain the roles and responsibilities of these features:


  • Create by: Primary role existing under Team management
  • Permissions: Full access and control. Create/manage teammates, subusers, and sub teammates.
  • Responsibility: Set permissions, monitor activities, ensure security, delegate tasks, and manage overall operations.

New features



  • Created by: Admin
  • Permissions: Full access and control. Create/manage teammates, subusers, and sub teammates.
  • Responsibility: Set permissions, monitor activities, ensure security, delegate tasks, and manage overall operations.


  • Created by: Admin
  • Permissions: Unique login IDs, custom permissions, controlled access based on role.
  • Responsibility: Perform specific tasks assigned by admin/teammates.


  • Created by: Admin
  • Permissions: Full access or no access assigned by subusers.
  • Responsibility: Distribute tasks, manage specific areas under subuser supervision.

What sets SendClean apart is its ability to allow management teams to create an unlimited number of Teammates, Subusers, and Subteammates. Notably, the Subteammates feature is rarely available on most email platforms. SendClean has introduced this unique capability after identifying its need for comprehensive team management.

Here is a scenario of how this would work:

Scenario: Launching a New Marketing Campaign

Admin: Sarah is the admin. She decides to launch a new email marketing campaign, sets the overall strategy and goals for the campaign, creates the campaign project in the system, and sets permissions for her team.

Teammate: John is a teammate. Sarah delegates the task of managing the campaign to John. John has the same access as Sarah and can create sub-projects, manage the timeline, and oversee the overall execution of the campaign. He ensures that all aspects of the campaign are running smoothly and reports progress to Sarah.

Subuser: Emily is a subuser created by John. Her role is to handle the content creation for the campaign. John assigns her specific access to the content management system and the email scheduling tool. Emily focuses on creating and scheduling the email content according to the strategy set by Sarah and managed by John.

Subteammate: Alex is a subteammate created by Emily. Alex is responsible for graphic design. Emily assigns Alex access to the design tools and certain folders in the content management system. Alex creates the visuals for the email campaign and ensures they are uploaded to the system for Emily to integrate into the emails.

Flow of Actions:

  • Sarah (Admin) sets up the project, defines the strategy, and delegates the task to John.
  • John (Teammate) manages the campaign's execution, creates sub-projects, and oversees the workflow.
  • Emily (Subuser) focuses on content creation, schedules emails, and ensures the timely completion of her tasks.
  • Alex (Subteammate) handles the graphic design elements, collaborates with Emily, and uploads visuals.

In this scenario, each role has specific responsibilities and levels of access, ensuring a structured and efficient workflow. Sarah maintains overall control and security, John ensures smooth operation and task delegation, Emily focuses on content-specific tasks, and Alex handles specialized design work.


SendClean's feature of Subusers, Teammates, and Subteammates significantly enhances email management by providing structured and secure ways to manage multiple users. These features offer centralized management, enhanced security, and tailored access, making them ideal for large teams, agencies, enterprises, and resellers. While the initial setup may require some effort, the long-term benefits of efficient management, scalability, and improved security make them valuable investments for any organization.

Effective team management within email platforms and services is essential for maintaining consistency, streamlining workflows, enhancing accountability, and safeguarding data security. Choosing an email solutions provider like SendClean offers distinct advantages, as it is one of the few brands that provide features such as Subusers, Teammates, and Subteammates. These tools allow organizations to customize their email management systems to align with their specific needs, thereby optimizing the effectiveness of both their email marketing campaigns and transactional emails.

Empower your team with effective email management tools—Start with SendClean today!



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